Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hobby Jogging: June '10 - Charlotte, NC - CTTC Summer Track Series

After dealing with some hamstrings that have been very slow to heal after Boston, I have been taking it slow working my mileage back up and haven't done a lot of speedwork. I used to run these track meets as a kid all the way up through high school and luckily I was able to make it over after work a few days and hop in. Here's my recap of each night:

6/22: I decided to go hop in the mile this day about an hour and a half before the race. Sped over to Myers Park after work to get in a 3/4 mile jog and 4 strides right before the race. Had no idea what to expect after doing no real speedwork of late. I also didn't expect to see the old Myers Park coach, Richard Prince and Charlotte running legend Alex Coffin hanging out as well like it was 1995. Was good to catch up with those guys as they were always around in the old days! The race got out a little slow and I was about mid pack out of 30 or so competitors. It started to spread out after a lap of 77 or so. I begin to pick off 1 at a time until there was just me looking at a small pack a ways up. Ran strong 2nd & 3rd laps and then a kid passed me with 400 to go. I tucked in and tried to shake and bake him with 150 to go, but I kicked too early. The 14 year old passed the 31 year old with about 30 to go. Good kick, but it couldn't hold off youth. 5:08.30 for the full mile. Super hot day, I'll take it. Managed 5th overall amongst a competitive crowd.

6/29 Championship Mile: When I arrived, I wasn't supposed to be in the Championship Mile, which was reserved for the top 10 qualifiers from the first 4 meets. I was ranked around #15 or so going in, but snuck in due to some folks opting to run the 5k that evening that had qualified. I went in ranked #1 in the 30-39 age group and didn't want to relinquish that! The race went out a little faster this week, but I still only went through the 400 in 76 or so and then 2:32 at the 800. Once again, I had a small pack pacing off me as I was in no mans land behind a pack of 3 a good distance ahead of me. A very strong 3rd lap ensured that no one pacing off me would catch me. Went through the 1200 around 3:49-50 and ran an average last lap + 9 meters to finish in 5:05.93 with no real pressure behind me. Another very hot day and I ran tough enough to finish 4th overall, my best finish in a CTTC Championship Mile (even though my times were faster in the mid-90's). Ran into an old friend from high school who is getting the running itch again as well and we did a nice 4 mile cool down on the grass inside the track and watched the 5k once the weather cooled a shade. Fun night. Fun series!

More info available at: http://patprice.com/running/races/reports/20100622&29CTTC.htm

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